Glenrothes High School

DAS Newsletters

DAS Update 11/05/2020

All DAS pupils you will remain with your current DAS class and teacher until the summer holidays. Please keep working on the work issued to you either on TEAMS or on your GLOW email address. 

If you are a DAS pupil and only go to mainstream classes please do the work issued on TEAMS by those teachers. For those of you who might be expecting to start new mainstream classes that you maybe, haven't done before, I will be in touch this week.

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Team DAS.

Mrs Young in the DAS department is busy making some yoga videos for pupils to help with relaxation, staying calm and our overall general Health & Wellbeing. Why not give them a try.

Yoga with Mrs Young part 1 Web icon

Yoga with Mrs Young part 2 Web icon

Yoga with Mrs Young part 3 - Sleeping Cat Web icon

Yoga with Mrs Young part 4 - Mindfulness Web icon

Yoga with Mrs Young part 5 Web icon

 NEW! Social Distancing & Return to School Support Cards - Click Here Word icon

Life Skills Linking School to Home PDF icon

Corona Virus Social Story PDF icon

Social Stories Web icon

Homework Books Web icon

Homework Books 2 Web icon

Useful Literacy Websites Web icon

Twinkl have created some free home learning packs;

Early Web icon

First Web icon

Second Web icon